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// @flow
export type AliasType = 'EMAIL' | 'DOMAIN' | 'PHONE' | 'EIDAS';
export type KeyAlgorithm = 'ED25519' | 'ECDSA_SHA256' | 'RSA';
export type KeyLevel = 'LOW' | 'STANDARD' | 'PRIVILEGED';
export type VerificationStatus = 'INVALID'
    | 'SUCCESS'
    | 'FAILURE_EIDAS_INVALID' // the request has succeeded, but certificate is invalid
    | 'FAILURE_ERROR_RESPONSE' // verification service returned an error response
    | 'FAILURE_ERROR' // an error happened during the verification process
    | 'IN_PROGRESS'; // certificate validation has not finished yet, use getEidasVerificationStatus call to get the result later
export type NotificationStatus = 'PENDING' | 'DELIVERED' | 'COMPLETED' | 'INVALIDATED';
export type NotifyStatus = 'ACCEPTED' | 'NO_SUBSCRIBERS';
export type TokenOperationStatus = 'SUCCESS' | 'MORE_SIGNATURES_NEEDED';
export type TokenSignatureAction = 'ENDORSED' | 'CANCELLED';
export type TransactionType = 'DEBIT' | 'CREDIT';
export type ProfilePictureSize = 'SMALL' | 'MEDIUM' | 'LARGE' | 'ORIGINAL';
export type ResourceType = 'ACCOUNTS'
    | 'BALANCES'
export type AccountResourceType = 'ACCOUNT_INFO'
export type AccountResources = [{
    type: AccountResourceType,
    bankAccount: Object,
    customerData: Object,
export type PurposeOfPayment = 'PERSONAL_EXPENSES'
    | 'SAVINGS'
    | 'OTHER';
export type Method = 'DEFAULT' | 'INSTANT';
export type SubmissionStatus = 'INVALID'
    | 'PENDING'
    | 'SUCCESS'
    | 'FAILED'
    | 'INITIATED';
export type EventType = 'INVALID'

export type MemberType = 'BUSINESS' // a customer of Token; Token is the regulated TPP in this case.
    | 'LICENSED_TPP'; // a customer of Token, but uses its own lisense.


export type Type = 'INVALID' | 'FIELD' | 'PASSWORD' | 'PSU_MESSAGE' | 'IMAGE' | 'FLICKER' | 'DECOUPLED';

export type Alias = {
    type: AliasType,
    value: string,
    // optional
    realm?: string,
    realmId?: string,

export type Blob = {
    id: string,
    payload: BlobPayload,

export type BlobPayload = {
    ownerId: string,
    type: string,
    name: string,
    // base64-encoded byte array
    data: string,
    accessMode: 'DEFAULT' | 'PUBLIC',

export type TokenRequest = {
    id: string,
    requestPayload: Object,
    requestOptions: TokenRequestOptions,

export type TokenRequestOptions = {
    bankId?: string,
    from?: TokenMember,
    sourceAccountId?: string,
    receiptRequested?: boolean,

export type Key = {
    id: string,
    // base64-encoded byte array
    publicKey: string | ArrayBuffer,
    level: KeyLevel,
    algorithm: KeyAlgorithm,
    expiresAtMs: string,

export type Signature = {
    memberId: string,
    keyId: string,
    signature: string,

export type TokenMember = {
    id: string,
    username: string,
    alias: Alias,

export type Token = {
    id: string,
    payload: Object,
    payloadSignatures: Array<TokenSignature>,
    replaceByTokenId: string,
    tokenRequestId: string,

export type ActingAs = {
    // shown to user
    displayName: string,
    logoUrl: string,
    refId?: string,
    secondaryName?: string,

export type TokenOperationResult = {
    token: Token,
    status: TokenOperationStatus,

export type TokenSignature = {
    action: TokenSignatureAction,
    signature: Signature,

export type Resource = {
    resource: $Values<{
        account: {account: {account: string}},
        balance: {balance: {account: string}},
        transactions: {transactions: {account: string}},
        transferDestinations: {transferDestinations: {account: string}},

export type Notification = {
    id: string,
    subscriberId: string,
    content: {
        type: string,
        title: string,
        body: string,
        payload: string,
        createAtMs: string,
        locKey: string,
        locArgs: Array<string>,
    status: NotificationStatus,

export type DeviceMetadata = {
    application: string,
    applicationVersion: string,
    device: string,
    longitude: number,
    latitude: number,

export type Bank = {
    id: string,
    name: string,
    logoUri: string,
    fullLogoUri: string,
    supportsAppless: boolean,
    supportsInformation: boolean,
    requiresExternalAuth: boolean,
    supportsSendPayment: boolean,
    supportsReceivePayment: boolean,
    provider: string,
    country: string,
    identifier: string,
    supportedTransferDestinationTypes: Array<string>, // A list of Transfer Destination Types, like SEPA, ELIXIR, supported by the bank.

export type BankInfo = {
    linkingUri: string,
    redirectUriRegex: string,
    bankLinkingUri: string,
    aliasTypes: Array<string>,
    // optional
    realm?: Array<string>,

export type Paging = {
    page: number,
    perPage: number,
    pageCount: number,
    totalCount: number,

export type RecoveryRule = {
    primaryAgent: string,
    secondaryAgents: Array<string>,

export type ReceiptContact = {
    value: string,
    type: 'EMAIL',

export type Profile = {
    displayNameFirst: string,
    displayNameLast: string,
    // following are not needed for setProfile
    originalPictureId?: string,
    smallPictureId?: string,
    mediumPictureId?: string,
    largePictureId?: string,

export type Subscriber = {
    id: string,
    handler: string,
    handlerInstructions: Object,

// eslint-disable-next-line
// https://developer.token.io/sdk/pbdoc/io_token_proto_common_transferinstructions.html#TransferDestination
export type TransferDestination = Object;

export type TransferEndpoint = {
    // consult developer docs
    account: Object,
    // optional
    customerData?: Object,
    // optional
    bankId?: string,

export type Balance = {
    accountId: string,
    current: Money,
    available: Money,
    updatedAtMs: string,
    typedBalances: Array<Object>,

export type Transaction = {
    id: string,
    type: TransactionType,
    status: string,
    amount: Money,
    description: string,
    tokenId: string,
    tokenTransferId: string,
    createdAtMs: string,
    metadata: Object,

export type Transfer = {
    id: string,
    transactionId: string,
    createdAtMs: string,
    payload: Object,
    payloadSignatures: Array<Signature>,
    status: string,
    orderId: string,
    method: Method,

export type OauthBankAuthorization = {
    bankId: string,
    accessToken: string,

export type BankAuthorization = {
    bankId: string,
    accounts: Array<Object>,

export type Money = {
    currency: string,
    value: string,

export type SecurityMetadata = {
    ipAddress: string,
    geoLocation: string,
    deviceFingerprint: string,

export type CustomerTrackingMetadata = {
    ipAddress: string, // IP address of the customer. Required when the request is initiated by the customer, which means the request is exempted from the PSD2 data access restriction.
    geoLocation: string, // Optional. Geographical location of the customer.
    deviceId: string, // Optional. Universally Unique Identifier for a device of the customer that identifies either a device or a device dependent application installation.
    userAgent: string,

export type MiscHeaders = {
    jsonError: boolean,

export type StandingOrder = {
    id: string,
    status: string,
    tokenId: string,
    standingOrderSubmissionId: string,
    createdAtMs: string,

export type StandingOrderSubmission = {
    id: string,
    standingOrderId: string,
    tokenId: string,
    createdAtMs: string,
    standingOrderBody: Object,
    status: SubmissionStatus,

export type TokenRequestTransferDestinationsCallbackParameters = {
    supportedTransferDestinationTypes: Array<string>,
    bankName: string,
    country: string,

export type BulkTransferBody = {
    transfers: Array<BulkTransferBodyTransfers>, // Array of type Transfer, consult proto
    totalAmount: string,    // Total amount irrespective of currency. Used for redundancy check.
    source: TransferEndpoint,

export type BulkTransfer = {
    id: string,                           // Token ID computed as the hash of the token payload
    tokenid: string,
    createdAtMs: string,
    transactions: Array<Object>,  // Transactions for which the bank provides IDs and/or statuses.
                                  // Might not be populated right away.
    totalAmount: string,          // Total amount irrespective of currency. Used for redundancy check.
    source: TransferEndpoint,

export type BulkTransferBodyTransfers = {
    amount: string,
    currency: string,
    refId: string,
    description: string,
    destination: TransferDestination,
    metadata: Object,

export type RegisterWithEidasPayload = {
    bank_id: string,  // ID of the bank under whose realm a member should be created
    certificate: string, // serialized eIDAS certificate

export type RegisterWithEidasResponse = {
    memberId: string, // ID of a newly-created or already registered with this bank member
    key_id: string, // ID of the key that has been added
    verification_id: string, // ID of the verification for this certificate

export type VerifyEidasPayload = {
    memberId: string,
    alias: Alias,
    certificate: string,
    algorithm: KeyAlgorithm,

export type VerifyEidasResponse = {
    status: VerificationStatus,
    statusDetails: string,
    verificationId: string,

export type GetEidasVerificationStatusResponse = {
    aliasValue: string,
    certificate: string,
    status: VerificationStatus,
    statusDetails: string,

export type WebhookConfig = {
    url: string,
    type: Array<EventType>,

export type CredentialField = {
    id: string,
    displayName: string,
    options: Array<string>,
    password: boolean,
    description: string,
    image: string,
    flickerCode: string,
    type: Type,

export type InitiateBankAuthorizationResponse = {
    redirectUrl: string,
    status: ScaStatus,
    fields: Array<CredentialField>,