
io.token.proto.common.transaction common/src/main/proto/transaction.proto

syntax = "proto3";
package io.token.proto.common.transaction;

option java_outer_classname = "TransactionProtos";
option csharp_namespace = "Tokenio.Proto.Common.TransactionProtos";

import "extensions/field.proto";
import "member.proto";
import "money.proto";
import "providerspecific.proto";
import "security.proto";
import "transferinstructions.proto";

enum TransactionType {
  DEBIT = 1;
  CREDIT = 2;

enum TransactionStatus {
  INVALID_STATUS = 0;                   // invalid status
  PENDING = 1;                          // the transaction is pending submission
  PROCESSING = 7;                       // the transaction is being processed
  SUCCESS = 2;                          // the transaction has been processed
  PENDING_EXTERNAL_AUTHORIZATION = 15;  // the transaction requires authorization by the user to complete
  FAILURE_CANCELED = 10;                // the transaction has been canceled, rolled back
  FAILURE_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS = 3;       // the transaction has failed due to insufficient funds
  FAILURE_INVALID_CURRENCY = 4;         // the transaction has failed due to currency mismatch
  FAILURE_PERMISSION_DENIED = 6;        // the transaction has failed due to access violation
  FAILURE_QUOTE_EXPIRED = 11;           // the transaction has failed because the quote has expired
  FAILURE_INVALID_AMOUNT = 12;          // the transaction has failed due to invalid amount
  FAILURE_INVALID_QUOTE = 13;           // the transaction has failed due to invalid quote (wrong fx rate)
  FAILURE_EXPIRED = 14;                 // the transaction has failed to complete within allotted time
  FAILURE_DECLINED = 18;                // the transaction has failed, because bank has declined
  FAILURE_GENERIC = 5;                  // the transaction has failed due to other reasons
  SENT = 16;                            // the transaction has been sent but has not been acknowledged by the bank
  INITIATED = 17;                       // the transaction has been initiated but the result is unknown, this may be the final status and may not get updated later
  STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE = 19;            // the transaction status is not available
  SETTLEMENT_IN_PROGRESS = 20;          // Reconciliation in progress
  SETTLEMENT_INCOMPLETE = 21;           // Reconciliation failed
  SETTLEMENT_COMPLETED = 22;             // Reconciliation completed

message Transaction {
  string id = 1;                                // Transaction ID.
  TransactionType type = 2;                     // Debit or credit
  TransactionStatus status = 3;                 // Status. For example, SUCCESS or FAILURE_CANCELED amount = 4; // Transaction amount.
  string description = 5 [(io.token.proto.extensions.field.redact) = true]; // Optional description

  string token_id = 6;                          // Points to the token, only set for Token transactions.
  string token_transfer_id = 7;                 // Points to the token transfer, only set for Token transactions.
  int64 created_at_ms = 8;                      // Creation time

  map<string, string> metadata = 9 [(io.token.proto.extensions.field.redact) = true]; // Additional fields. Optional.
  providerspecific.ProviderTransactionDetails provider_transaction_details = 10;
  io.token.proto.common.transferinstructions.TransferEndpoint creditor_endpoint = 11;
  BankTransactionCode bank_transaction_code = 12;
  string bank_transaction_id = 13; // Optional

message BankTransactionCode {
  Domain domain = 1;
  Proprietary proprietary = 2;

  message Domain {
    string code = 1;
    string family_code = 2;
    string sub_family_code = 3;

  message Proprietary {
    string code = 1;
    string issuer = 2;

message Balance {
  string account_id = 1; current = 2; available = 3;
  int64 updated_at_ms = 4;
  repeated TypedBalance other_balances = 5; // optional

  message TypedBalance {
    string type = 1; amount = 2;
    int64 updated_at_ms = 3;

enum RequestStatus {
  SUCCESSFUL_REQUEST = 1;     // success
  MORE_SIGNATURES_NEEDED = 2; // failed, needed to use a PRIVILEGED key

// Represents a standing order as defined by the bank.
message StandingOrder {
  string id = 1;                                // Standing order ID defined by the bank
  Status status = 2;
  string token_id = 3;                          // Points to the token, only set for Token standing orders.
  string token_submission_id = 4;               // Points to the token submission, only set for Token standing orders.
  int64 created_at_ms = 5;                      // CreationTime
  providerspecific.ProviderStandingOrderDetails provider_standing_order_details = 6;
  string frequency = 7;                         // ISO 20022: DAIL, WEEK, TOWK, MNTH, TOMN, QUTR, SEMI, YEAR
                                                // If empty, frequency is specified in ProviderStandingOrderDetails
  io.token.proto.common.transferinstructions.TransferEndpoint creditor_endpoint = 8;

  enum Status {
    INVALID = 0;
    ACTIVE = 1;
    INACTIVE = 2;
    FAILED = 4;
    UNKNOWN = 5; // unable to retrieve updated status from the bank