Onboard TPPs

As discussed under Token Basics, TPPs are categorised by four types:

  • TPPs using Token's licence
  • TPPs using their own licence
  • TPPs using Token's licence with Partner Permissions
  • TPPs using their own licence with Partner Permissions

When granted Partner Permissions, TPPs using Token's licence can register/onboard and manage their own sub-TPPs (merchants and/or PFMs) as a Token reseller-aggregator.

To obtain Partner Permissions, contact your Token representative for assistance in setting up a reseller account. Once the required partnership agreements have been executed, you'll receive unique login credentials that allow access to the Dashboard's TPP Manager, from which you can create and manage new sub-TPPs.

To register and onboard sub-TPPs as a reseller, see TPP Manager .

Regardless of which type of TPP you choose to be — a TPP using Token's licence or a TPP using your own licence — once your TPP account with Token is created, visit the Dashboard, sign in, and get started with the tasks discussed below.

If you're already an existing member, provide your Member ID when prompted (see Migrating an Existing Member below for additional guidance). Otherwise, click No.

New members can opt to use either Token's licence or your own TPP license. If you're using your own licence, You can make the decision later but, until you do, any activity in the dashboard will be confined to our sandbox environment. If you are prepared to register your own licence and certificates now, click No, I have my own [licence]. Otherwise, click Yes, I need to use the Token licence or opt to make a decision on this later by clicking I'll do this later.

Note: If you choose to register your own licence now, skip to the guidance in Using Your Own Licence before returning here to continue onboarding.

In the dashboard, click Sandbox in the card on the left to get started in our testing environment.

To request onboarding assistance, visit https://token.io/psps and click Contact Us.